Member Benefits
Our members will enjoy these benefits:
- Professional contact with the best martial arts instructors and schools, updated information in the Chinese Martial Art Community in Canada.
- Recognition of your professional status and contribution to the martial arts. Group buying power of equipment and supplies. Excellent insurance rates for your club through group buying power.
- Participation in CCKSF functions and activities which will bring attention to your club or yourself within your community.
- Automatic placement on the CCKSF mailing list for newsletters and other informative packages.
- Discounts to all CCKSF sponsored functions and regular seminars. Opportunities to travel and participate in competitions, workshops, and exhibitions.
- Membership enhances your professional standing when you advertise your school.
- For club members, your school name will be on our WEB–no extra charge.
- Financial / Business opportunities through contacts within the CCKSF.
- Assistance from the CCKSF for your club or schools fund raising activities. Quality training seminars, coaching clinics, first aid, and Chinese healing classes for you and /or your students on a regular basis.
Member Duties
CCKSF hopes that each member will work diligently with us to achieve these goals:
- Expansion of CCKSF over the next three years. To achieve this we must develop closer ties with all members, member clubs, and affiliates through CCKSF sponsored events.
- Greater cooperation and harmony with its members, member clubs, and affiliates. The concerns of one member or member club is the concern of all CCKSF members. Politics will not be tolerated!
- Equal sharing of responsibility within the Federation. It will be essential that all members join with us to help make the Federation meet its objectives, thus making a stronger organization from which we will all benefit.
- Support for the National Committee of CCKSF, and seeking cooperation opportunities with other federations at home and overseas.
- Constant constructive feedback and ideas for future improvement and other developments.
Membership Application
General Membership Fee: CAD$30/yearWhat you will get:
Executive Membership * Fee: CAD$100/yearWhat you will get:
* subject to approval by the executive committee |
Lifetime membership Fee: CAD$500What you will get:
Honorary President Fee: CAD $5000What you will get:
After you have completed the membership application above and clicked on the Send button, you will receive the completed form by email, please print out the email content, make your cheque payable to CCKSF for the appropriate amount and a recent photograph (optional) and send them to:
Canadian Chinese Kuo Shu (Martial Arts) Federation
1825 Dundas St E #8,
Mississauga, ON L4X 2X1
Tel: (905) 602-5026, (905) 602-5374 (Mississauga)
Thank you for your application.